Library Mission Statement
The mission of Lamar Consolidated ISD Librarians is to create a physical and digital environment in which our students, staff, and community can strengthen their natural inquisitive nature, foster a love of reading, and serve as a collaborative resource for teachers and staff in developing and delivering powerful learning experiences across all curricular areas.
Our Goals and Vision
It is the goal and vision of Polly Ryon's Library Media Program to:
provide a welcoming environment.
provide a well-organized and comprehensive collection that meets the needs of the faculty and student body.
encourage collaboration between the media specialist and faculty to integrate information, media literacy, and technology skills into all curricular areas.
maintain a continually assessed collection and plan steps for changes and improvements.
ensure that the media program and its services are meeting the needs of both the faculty and the students.
The library is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 4:15 p.m.Students in 6th grade may check out two books per week. Students may not check out new books until the previous ones are returned or renewed.
Students may check out during morning advisory or with teacher's permission.
All books should be returned to a library book drop slot, which is located in two places. One is a black bin directly outisde the library doors. The other is located at the end of the circulation desk. It is the student's responsibility to return library books on or before the due date. Students do not have to wait for a class visit to return a book.
When a book is returned damaged beyond repair, the replacement cost of the book will be charged. Damage to library materials includes but is not limited to: spills from food, drink or other substances; damage to cover or spine; cutting or tearing pages; or writing with pencil, pen, markers, etc.
Once a book is 30 days past due, the system will mark it as "lost" and students will be charged for the replacement cost of the book. If the book is found and returned in good condition, the fee will be dropped. If the student has already paid for the book but finds and returns it in good condition (during the same school year), the amount paid will be refunded.
Cash or personal checks are acceptable forms of payment for fines or to cover the replacement cost of damaged or lost books. Please make personal checks out to Polly Ryon Middle School Library.
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New to Canvas? Get Started with this Checklist
If you are new to Canvas, Welcome! This checklist will help you get started in the program. There are also many more resources available for you toward the bottom of this page to guide you through Canvas features.