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Polly Ryon Middle School

Home of the Longhorns

About Ryon

Front view of Polly Ryon Middle School building under a cloudy sky.

Polly Ryon Middle School opened its doors to students on August 26, 2013. Our beautiful school is named in honor of Mary "Polly" Moore Jones Ryon, the matriarch of the George Ranch legacy.

Polly Ryon was born in 1826 to Henry and Nancy Jones, who were members of the "Old 300", in what was known as Stephen F. Austin's Colony. Polly married William Ryon in 1845 and the couple had nine children. However, only three survived to adulthood.

Polly Ryon spent her lifetime serving as a nurse, tending to her siblings, her children, other family and extended family members, friends and neighbors. Polly's compassion for the sick became her legacy.

Polly would go on to inherit the majority of her family's wealth. Before marrying, she inherited land from her godfather, Wily Martin, and from her father. She bought parcels of land from her siblings as well. By age 18, she was one of the region's largest landholders. Together with William Ryon, she built a thriving ranching and farming empire spanning more than 27,000 acres. At the time of her death in 1896, she left her booming cattle and farming operation to her only surviving daughter, Susan Elizabeth Ryon Davis, and her grandchildren. 

One of those grandchildren, Mamie Davis, would marry Albert George. Mr. and Mrs. Albert George would later form the George Foundation to benefit the citizens of Fort Bend County. This included the establishment of a non-profit hospital - Polly Ryon Memorial Hospital, which is now Oak Bend Medical Center. 

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